Stitch and glue is a simple boat building method which uses plywood panels stitched together, usually with copper wire, and glued together with epoxy resin.. I created this site as a source of information and as a guide for stitch and glue boat construction. fifteen years, and well over a hundred boats later ranging in size form 7' to 45', i thought i would throw my hat in the ring.. Illustrated guide to building a spira international stitch-and-glue boat by jeff spira published by: spira international, inc. huntington beach, california.
Stitch and glue - wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, stitch and glue is a simple boat building method which uses plywood panels stitched together, usually with copper wire, and glued together with epoxy. this type of 03. stitch and glue boat building: align and glue panels, this video is part of a series of "how to" videos that show the. "stitch-and-glue" is a style of boatbuilding in which pre-fabricated plywood parts are assembled with epoxy and fiberglass to create a rigid, durable hull. while the techniques and materials have varied over the last forty years, within recent memory the process involves sealing everything in the. With these few simple stitch and glue techniques anyone with a modicum of commonsense can build a wooden boat quickly and easily with plywood and epoxy..