Model boats bluebird k7 plan august 22 have been in touch with fred and bought the cd from him with the k7 plans. today i had the model boats plan rescaled from. Cruising motor yacht built 1938 by g l watson, the last of three for sir malcolm campbell. two sheet plans show all hull lines and superstructure.. Free model airplane plans - svenson's, free model airplane plans. if your a serious rc modeler you really need to subscribe to
Bluebird k4 water speed record hydroplane, malcolm campbell heritage trust, slo mo shun, slomoshun, lakeland slipper.. Update of the k7 bluebird 1/6 scale model we sell from www bluebird k7 model crashes 05-01-2013 we have 1/10th and 1/6th boats available. Here bluebird is seen from a circling safety boat, please visit our shop by clicking on the button at the top of every page for a look at all the bluebird project.